The first large quota of the foreigners were directed on tare manufacture of combine № 179. One военнопленные worked on circular saws and деревообрабатывающих machine tools, others сколачивали снарядные boxes. The veteran "«Сибсельмаша" And. Е. Gray-haired, working in that time with German brigades by the controller, marks honesty военнопленных at delivery of production, their politeness. Each working change began with mass greetings « Гутен морген », which duration made 11 hours. However rushed in eyes изможденность of these people. Frequently it was possible to see, how is weak and badly man worth at the machine tool or bringing a boards feels. In total up to the end of war, under the accounting documents of camp, военнопленные have made 864 thousand boxes for an ammunition [3]. The next years they began to be involved(attracted) more widely in work as qualified ñòàíî÷íèêîâ, including on the German equipment, in a plenty acting on the enterprise of Novosibirsk, helped the Russian worker to master it(him).
However basic weight военнопленных was directed on construction and manufacture of building materials. The foreign brigades have constructed large industrial objects: foundry shop at a factory "«Тяжстанкогидропресс", steel department on стрелочном a factory, кузнечный shop at a factory by him(it). XVI партсъезда, block two-storeyed case for manufacturing стальконструкций of trust "«Стальконструкция" and many others. By forces военнопленных was made 39 млн of pieces of a brick, 230 thousand pieces шлакоблоков, is extracted 160 thousand cubic metre бутового of a stone and щебенки, is prepared and is advanced 140 thousand cubic metre of wood.
In the essential contribution they have brought to an accomplishment of city: have laid highways in area Оловозавода and "«Тяжстанкогидропресса", заасфальтировали 22 thousand м 2 streets and areas, have dug out trenches and have laid 5 thousand running metres of pipes of a urban waterpipe. The work военнопленных has played the large role in the decision of housing problem in hard послевоенное time. In various areas of Novosibirsk they have constructed the comfortable houses, including four and пятиэтажные, general(common) area 40675 м 2, in which and to this day live новосибирцы. By their hands is erected or some buildings, valuable in the architectural attitude(relation), including building of the Западно-Siberian branch of an Academy of sciences on a street are capitally reconstructed. Frunze.
Узники of camp were involved(attracted) and in agricultural work. In пос. Peace Коченевского р-on was organized a diversified part-time farm, in which about 500 чел. Were engaged in cultivation растениеводческой and cattle-breeding production. Военнопленных, грузивших it was possible constantly to see a grain, as on Novosibirsk, and Бердском элеваторе.
In the certificate(act) about disbandment of camp was emphasized, that for all time of industrial activity since October, 1944 till November, 1948 it(he) was profitable, has listed in the income to the state 17,7 млн руб. [4] Военнопленные not only have paid back the charges on the contents, but, certainly, have made and for socio economic development of Novosibirsk much.
And вс ё for many the stay here has terminated tragically. Extremely difficult there was first, early come(stepped) and very severe winter 1944-1945 гг. The head of department НКВД on Novosibirsk province the commissioner госбезопасности Ф. Item. Петровский informed to the first secretary обкома of a party(set) of m. In. Кулагину, that by March, 1945 in camp has died 1 662 чел., or 20 % of an aggregate number made. The camp personnel, medical workers and the urban authorities aspired to prevent mass destruction военнопленных. At each camp branch were organized лазареты, in which all patients have received bed accessories(belongings) and нательное a linen, that on those times was business uneasy. The preventive processing узников was regularly carried out(spent), the strict control of a sanitary condition of inhabited premises(rooms) was established, that has allowed to avoid distribution of infectious diseases. It was possible essentially to improve a feed(meal) военнопленных, daily average калорийность of diets was lead up up to 3000 ккал., and the patients and дистрофики in addition received dishes prepared on the special recipes. Nevertheless conditions in camp, according to the chief управленияя НКВД, continued to remain "«extremely intense", that required(demanded) the urgent help on the part of regional and urban authorities [5].
High смертность военнопленных was defined(determined) not by a political line of the Soviet management(manual) and НКВД, which was directed on preservation of their life, and was caused by confluence of circumstances of the front and rear validity. As a result of large-scale наступательных of operations of Red army the significant part of the enemy military men got in captivity after stay in an environment, т. е. Already in the exhausted condition. Then they were directed in modular camp, passing on 200-300 kms and receiving the extremely poor feed(meal). Heavy test became for them a long way to the Siberian rear. The echelons, which were made of the commodity cars which have been not equipped for human transportations (without нар, furnaces, отхожих of places), slowly moved on east, passing(missing) military, sanitary and cargo trains. The dry soldering sufficed only on some days, the hot food at stations was given seldom, and even of a drink of water it was necessary to wait many hours. The medical survey военнопленных, arrived with the first echelons in Novosibirsk, has shown, that half from them was in the extremely weakened condition. « Improving quarantine », which first of all pursued the purpose to raise(increase) percent(interest) « of labour fund », т. е. Those who could be directed on work, has facilitated участь узников a little. However and after him(it) 323 чел. Were recognized дистрофиками, 429 are enlisted in "«ОК" — improving teams, 357 are placed in лазареты [6].
Camp has appeared not prepared in a sufficient measure to mass reception военнопленных. The food funds, allocated for them, had no products in complete volume many planned products were not delivered in general. Though the appropriate decisions of senior Management on businesses военнопленных and интернированных (ГУПВИ) НКВД USSR both local party and Soviet bodies about organization of camp were accepted beforehand, the preparation of inhabited fund and sanitary - household premises(rooms) was conducted slowly. The enterprises — the basic consumers of a labour constantly broke the obligations on deliveries of building materials, granting of vehicles for delivery of fuel and products.
By November, 1944 most "«comfortable" there was a first camp branch placed on the basis of former колонии Soviet made on tare factory of the combine, made at a tare Factory, there were two каркасно-засыпных of a barrack and three extensive землянки by the general(common) area 3 109 м 2, on one военнопленного it was necessary 1,6 м 2, that was considered "«quite sufficient". The construction ещ ё 7 earthen premises(rooms) for new quota was actively conducted, the equipment лазарета, kitchen and restaurant came to an end.
In the second camp branch at a factory "«Тяжстанкогидропресс" under жиль ё was used 21 землянка. Was considered, that they are prepared for winter, though required(demanded) дооборудования: installations of the second winter bindings, остекления, утепления of tambours, перекладки of furnaces and т. д.
About same there were subquality work in a camp zone at construction of cotton combine in Первомайском р-not. Here was present 32 many-placed землянки, but to the beginning of winter and have not constructed баню, laundry, лазарет, овощехранилище. In землянках there were no dryers and умывальники, half of furnaces required under repair. The rule(situation) and in other camp zones was similar. In the whole part of жилищно-household premises(rooms) for военнопленных was not prepared enough for severe winter, the part of premises(rooms) was not constructed at all — construction did not begin at all. Лаготделения were not provided with necessary quantity(amount) of fuel. And such situation has developed on the eve of arrival of the next parties(sets) военнопленных by an aggregate number 10 thousand чел. [7]
It is necessary, however, to note, that the vital conditions военнопленных did not represent something extreme on a background of a general(common) heavy financially - household rule(situation) of the inhabitants of Novosibirsk. As well as in other cities, rigid system of distribution of products here worked, thus the card norms did not exceed food diets военнопленных. The cards frequently not отоваривались completely, occured fault in supply by bread. One kinds of the foodstuffs were replaced with others, worse quality. In restaurants of the enterprises, on which were directed военнопленные, in a lunch break to the worker frequently were offered "«щи", consisting from water with large(largly) нарубленной and badly washed out cabbage. Was cooked "«затируха" — болтушка from a flour(torment) or groats. Other dishes prepared also, in which playful names all was reflected горечь of life. Day after day « the light-blue night » (soup from ботвы) was replaced by(with) «autumn) (water with peas), it(her) followed « brown глазки » (уха from головок воблы) and т. д. And in rear Novosibirsk there were cases of death for famine. The lonely people, especially elderly, children, carrying out(spending) on front, loss of a card or absence of forces to stand turn and отоварить е ё, at times order by the fatal end. In Novosibirsk in 1943-1944 гг. By victims авитаминоза and exhaustion of steel 1 735 чел. A bad feed(meal) caused also other illnesses terminating fatal outcome [8].
The жилищно-household problems accrued. Testing sharp deficiency of the inhabited area, Novosibirsk has accepted weight of the evacuated population. By December, 1941 for them was released(exempted) 220 thousand м 2 inhabited premises(rooms). The inflow of the people from a countryside for work in an industry and construction has amplified also. Under habitation the economic and cultural - household buildings adapted, in hostels were established двухярусные нары. Were under construction basically каркасно-засыпные barracks and землянки, but also them did not suffice. By the end of war on one city dweller it was necessary only 2,7 м 2 living spaces. At the enterprises which have placed военнопленных, the personnel workers tested huge household difficulties. The especially heavy rule(situation) developed for youth, living in hostels — каркасно-засыпных barracks and землянках, where there was no furniture, the utensils, bed-clothes, in time was not prepared fuel. It was very difficult to prepare hot food, to dry up clothes [9].
The heavy financially - household and severe природно-climatic conditions, in which got already weakened военнопленные, represented for them fatal threat. The people, родившиеся in Western and Central Europe dressed in easy cloth overcoats, it is bad обутые, could not sustain the Siberian frosts. Простудные of disease, including inflammation easy, steel of one of the main reasons high смертности. Frequently to летальному to outcome conducted дистрофия, for a poor camp feed(meal) could not fill loss of forces. Many сгубила дизентерия and others желудочно-кишечные of disease. And though for treatment военнопленных was open rather not bad equipped спецгоспиталь № 2494 on 200 places, and in everyone лаготделении — лазареты, the medical aid was obviously unsufficient. Especially there were no medicines and перевязочных means, with a huge overload the medical workers, not успевавшие worked to assist all requiring. In March, 1945. For normal organization of medical process the camp needed in addition 36 doctors, 25 medical assistants, 44 медсестры, and regional and urban здравотделы categorically refused to allocate even some experts, referring on sharpest "«недокомплект" of the staff in medical establishments of city [10].
The employees of camp administration made the lists in which were brought a surname, name and on Russian tradition a patronymic военнопленного, year of birth, nationality, military rank, date of death, time and place of a burial place. For all period of existence of camp in these lists have appeared 2 900 чел. (Tab. 1). Смертность began to accrue promptly since November, 1944 and has reached(achieved) apogee in January, - February 1945.