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Those perished first of all who almost had no forces for struggle for a survival: дистрофики, patients, раненые. The parameters смертности remained very high down to approach of warm days. In total since November, 1944 till May, 1945 have died 2 127 военнопленных, or 73 % all dyed in camp before his(its) closing. In the winter 1945-1946 гг. Has appeared already much less victims, that was explained by improvement of financially - household maintenance of camp. The administrations managed to be adjusted constant delivery of products from areas of area, to organize an own part-time farm, to construct овощехранилища, to prepare a stock of fuel. The medical aid военнопленным was appreciablly improved. The parameters смертности have decreased repeatedly, though practically each month (except for November, 1947 and September, 1948) someone from пленных perished.

Навечно in the Siberian ground there were representatives 16 nationalities serving in вермахте and allied armies (table 2). The majority of them немцы. The share выходцев from Estonia and Latvia is high, among which if to judge on surnames and names, there is a lot of прибалтийских немцев. Among buried have appeared also Russian. Some of them were потомками of the emigrants and had no the Soviet citizenship, others served in parts власовской of army or auxiliary divisions вермахта.

In Novosibirsk 23 Japanese — the soldiers Квантунской armies which are not belonging to a quota of camp № are buried also 199. They were brought in extremely обессиленном a condition in здешний спецгоспиталь from other Siberian camps, but to rescue them it was not possible.

The age structure died (table 3) testifies, that among them was young much. In the age of till 20 years have left life 185 чел. (6,3 %), and some yet перешагнули a teenage threshold. Incomplete sixteen years the soldiers Ханс Вархан and Хельмут Блуст have lived ефрейтор Альберт Фляйшер. In the age of from 21 till 30 years have died 850 военнопленных (29,3 %), from 31 up to 40 — 1 458 (50,3 %), from 41 up to 50 — 399 (13,8 %), is more senior than 50 years — 8 чел. (0,3 %). Thus more half died were in the age of from 30 till 40 years. Probably, it reflects general(common) age structure of structure военнопленных.

Died военнопленных buried on four special cemeteries. The tap(removal) of the ground area under largest (1,5 га) from them was made out by the decision № 89 Novosibirsk горисполкома from November 10, 1944. It settled down at the border of urban grounds, nearby to Top - тулинского of a highway. To the moment of acceptance of the decision tens военнопленных there were already buried. Other cemetery was in pine бору in Первомайском р-not in полутора kilometers from station Инская. The mass burial places узников of camp were made also on 16-м quarter Заельцовского of a cemetery. The small cemetery военнопленных was also nearby to пос. Peace in Коченёвском р-not.

In the order коменданта of camp of the lieutenant colonel госбезопасности And. I. Пасынкова from October 6, 1944 on the basis of the instruction ГУПВИ НКВД the order of burial places was defined(determined). The chiefs лаготделений undertook to direct the representatives to the inspector of the account and to inform it(him) a surname, name and patronymic died, nationality, military rank, year of birth and date of death. Учетчик in turn specified a square of a cemetery, where it was necessary to dig a tomb, and е ё number. On each tomb it was necessary to put identification столбик with дощечкой, on which paint in numerator number of a tomb, and in a denominator number of a square was brought. However because of promptly accruing смертности военнопленных this order was not maintained. In the order on camp from December 5, 1944 it was marked, that in camp branches died bury in brotherly tombs. On it the categorical interdiction was imposed, and also the requirement « a burial place of corpses was put forward to make not later, as in two day after death » [11]. Last phrase is rather remarkable — died военнопленные quite often by weeks laid in sheds, waiting turns devoted to be deep промёрзшей to the Siberian ground.

Memoirs немцев, come back from the Soviet captivities, contain the detailed descriptions, how the burial places at this time were made.

« Between the end of September, 1944 and my sending home September 5, 1947 I four times changed camp, but remained still on окраине of city of Novosibirsk. Glory to the god, that I was not ill. Me daily sent on external works: factory on manufacture of an ammunition, lining of railway ways, collective farm, гальваническая station of a radiofactory. Owing to a long working day (during war more than 12 hours, and with a road ещ ё in addition 1,5 hours, later on the average 10 hours), because of partially very heavy work and bad feed(meal) after returning in camp we, charter as the dogs, fell on boards and nobody thought about each other. Therefore I can not give any information on names. Concerning parameters смертности I know, that in the winter 1944-1945 гг. In our camp 10 men from a unsufficient feed(meal) and дизентерии daily died. Them buried far - far from any habitation in steppe without the instruction(indication) of names and installation могильных of crosses. I that winter three times participated as копальщик in the large burial places. From us for the comrades one temporary cross of boards one temporary cross of boards one temporary cross of 12].

The author of this narration tells about a cemetery in Kirov р-not Novosibirsk. In a similar way buried died военнопленных and in other places, that, however, was typical of all system of the Soviet camps.

« We have set off in лазарет. On a stretcher the deadmen are piled. It actually skeletons, such easy, what even we, exhausted people, quietly can together lift a corpse. They is perfect раздеты, the name everyone военнопленного by a chemical pencil is written on a leg. 5 or 6 corpses are placed on one stretcher. For best use of the area they грузятся by layers. The head bottom is stacked between legs top. The rough, dirty canvas covers poverty. Lifted usually by six военнопленными, движутся a stretcher through a camp door outside …

Approximately in half an hour, at edge(territory) of a wood we are stopped before several trees, low свесившиеся of which branch snows almost concern. We put a stretcher, we begin to rake up snow in the party, painfully we cut down in frozen ground a flat hole, faster лощинку. The hole is so fine, that is possible to think, as if only смели snow. The stretcher moves to edge(territory), one сдергивает a canvas, others кантуют a stretcher upwards and are dumped by(with) strongly frozen, naked corpses, so, as if the worker overturns тачку, loaded by stones, and they will be rolled downwards.

The deadmen сиротливо lay the friend on the friend — where a leg, where a hand are put out above flat edge(territory) of a tomb, by a shovel they are stacked downwards. Frozen pieces of ground on them already knock. Together with ground the snow falls also, rest will finish a wind — покроет rough edges(territories) flat холмика by a white cold coverlet.

My God, what poverty! So bury them, изголодавшихся, frozen, lost German soldier. Who knows their names, their close, for whom their destiny is known?! Their name by a chemical pencil is written on a leg. Also it is all » [13].

Mass погребения военнопленных in general(common) tombs up to middle 1945 proceeded. Only approach of heat and decrease(reduction) смертности in camp have allowed to begin individual burial places with installation of identification marks. In January, 1946 the instruction ГУПВИ НКВД USSR from December 17, 1945 was received which ordered died военнопленных from the ordinary and younger command structure to bury in нательном a linen, and officers — in a linen and top clothes [14].

However even during existence of camp behind cemeteries was not conducted of an appropriate leaving(care) and supervision. They remained are not fenced, могильные холмики осыпались, in places of winter burial places the failures were formed. In the spring of 1946. Kirov райпищекомбинат has ploughed in territory of a cemetery военнопленных in Kirov р-not all free area and has sown there millet. Directly on tombs the sowing not was made, but the significant part from them was destroyed by tractors. Have disappeared also опозновательные столбики [15].

At the end of May - beginning of June, 1949 in the performance of the special instruction ГУПВИ МВД USSR « in connection with forthcoming liquidation in the current year of the majority of camps, спецгоспиталей, workers батальонов for военнопленных and интернированных in view of end of repatriation last home » the general check of all cemeteries was carried out(spent). It was done(made) and consequently, that them « the appropriate preservation is stipulated by the working international conventions » and « the opportunity of the sanction by governmental bodies of visiting of separate cemeteries военнопленных by the representatives of the foreign states » is not excluded [16].

Such check was carried out(spent) and in Novosibirsk province. The officers of management МВД have made the topographical circuits of cemeteries precisely showing their arrangement on district. The documents of the account died военнопленных and интернированных (magazines of registration, кладбищенские and alphabetic books, card file) were verified, on the basis of that the lists погребенных with the instruction(indication) of number of a square and tomb were made. These materials and today allow to establish places of burial places военнопленных, to define(determine) the basic biographical data of each of them.

However cemeteries already shortly came in complete desolation. Nobody considered(counted) as the debt to care of them. As is formal they were registered behind regional management МВД, it and aspired to get rid of this burden. January 18, 1958 the chief of prison branch УВД by Novosibirsk province. In. Е. Коростелев and manager райкомхозом Kirov райисполкома Д. With. Ярыгов have signed the certificate(act) with a mark "«confidentially" about liquidation of a cemetery военнопленных and интернированных in Kirov р-not. Novosibirsk. Thus in the document the false fact about erection there bases госрезерва was resulted. In other information submitted by them, was spoken about construction of a brick factory, that nor corresponded(met) to the validity. The original result was moved by(with) the chief of management of the municipal enterprises Novosibirsk горисполкома And. Мутилин, which in the letter addressed to the head of department МВД on Novosibirsk province of the commissioner of militia of m. Item. Юркова asserted(approved), that « the wars, made in conditions, of a burial place German военнопленных were not kept and now to find them practically it is impossible » [17].

However topographical circuits НКВД (МВД) and certificate старожилов have allowed cemeteries to find. Has appeared, that the cemeteries военнопленных were comprehended(overtaken) by(with) different destiny. The burial places in Kirov (nowadays Ленинском) have got under industrial building, but have undergone « to agricultural development »: the inhabitants near to a cemetery of houses without the tap,(removal,) stipulated by the law, of ground have broken there огородные and garden sites, have constructed fences and small домики. And they well knew, that a potatoes, vegetables and the berry cultures cultivate on a cemetery, for attempts to dig out a cellar or even to dig a barrel resulted in detection human останков. Last years the new neighbour — Хилокский the wholesale vegetable and fruit market, отгородившийся, truth, from кладбищенской of territory by a high concrete fence here has appeared. But the part garden домиков there was bought by(with) the owners of supersize automobiles bringing in Novosibirsk production of southern edges(territories), which serve жильём for the drivers and dealers.

The site removed(allocated) for военнопленных on Заельцовском a cemetery, already soon after disbandment of camp began to be used for погребения of the died city dwellers. In 60-70-е and, later, per 80 years new burial places here were made. Has developed some kind of многослойный "«некрополь", in which basis покоятся останки военнопленных.

Has appeared to a untouched cemetery in Первомайском р-not. It only was over with a grass, bushes and trees. However there were failures of brotherly tombs and hardly distinct холмики of single burial places. The rests of the shaft and рва, designating borders of a cemetery are clearly traced.

The site with погребенными военнопленными about пос was kept. Peace, where within war депортировались Soviet немцы from Поволжья and Ukraine. Around of this site there was a village cemetery. The majority of monuments worth there, have таблички with German names.

The concrete efforts on an accomplishment of places of burial places военнопленных are undertaken, that is by a necessary condition of continuation of a leaving(care) behind tombs the Soviet soldier in Germany and other countries. For the first time in Siberia was обустроено Первомайское a cemetery военнопленных at support of German national union on a leaving(care) of tombs of the militarians (Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgraberfursorge e. V.). His(its) opening was held on November 19, 1995, per Day of the national mourning marked in Germany in memory about lost in First and the Second world wars. The representatives of General consulate of Germany, Catholic church, administration of city, journalists, inhabitants of area participated in ceremony. On a site, where are buried 604 чел., are established a high-altitude cross, a memorable plate with an inscription on German and Russian, are equipped подходная a path and input(entrance), on perimeter the lindens and т are planted(put). д. Later similar благоустроительные of work were carried out(spent) on a cemetery about пос. Peace, and also on a part of territory with burial places in Ленинском р-not. On 16-м quarter Заельцовского of a cemetery the memorial mark is established. Memory of the people working on alien for them to the Siberian ground and for ever thus is kept stayed in it(her).

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